Left Bank Books Presents: Ross Gay

High Low 3301 Washington Ave, Saint Louis, MO

Reading from The Book of (More) Delights and Inciting Joy: Essays This reading will be held in-person at High Low. Join us for a celebration with award-winning and best-selling author Ross Gay for the paperback releases of The Book of (More) Delights and Inciting Joy.  We are delighted to welcome Ross Gay back [...]


Left Bank Books Presents: Mary Jo Bang & Yuki Tanaka

Left Bank Books 399 N Euclid Ave, St. Louis, MO, United States

Reading from A Kiss for the Absolute: Selected Poems of Shuzo Takiguchi This reading will be held in-person at Left Bank Books, and also streamed live to Left Bank Book’s YouTube page. Join us as we welcome Mary Jo Bang & Yuki Tanaka, translators for A Kiss for the Absolute: Selected Poems of [...]


Left Bank Books Presents: Oksana Maksymchuk

Left Bank Books 399 N Euclid Ave, St. Louis, MO, United States

in conversation with Lauris Veips, a poet and translator from Latvia This reading will be held in-person at Left Bank Books, and also streamed live to Left Bank Book’s YouTube page. Join us for a reading and conversation with Oksana Maksymchuk, an award-winning bilingual Ukrainian American poet, scholar, and translator.  Her debut [...]


Poetry and Conflict: Pádraig Ó Tuama

Emerson Auditorium, Knight Hall - Washington University 1194 Throop Dr, Saint Louis, Missouri, United States

a public lecture presented by WashU & the John C. Danforth Center on Religion and Politics This reading will be held in-person at Emerson Auditorium in Knight Hall at Washington University in St. Louis. Join us for a public lecture with Pádraig Ó Tuama, poet and theologian whose work centers around [...]
