Observable Readings

Dressel's 419 N. Euclid 2nd Floor, St. Louis, MO, United States

Featuring poets Elizabeth Arnold and Alison C. Rollins


second friday notes

Dierbergs 1080 Lindemann Rd., St. Louis, MO, United States

Featuring poets Myrta Vida and Owen Neace, with music by Olympia (Lia Glynias)


Nash Contest Submissions Due

DEADLINE EXTENDED TO MARCH 19th! Contest open only to current members of the St. Louis Poetry Center No entry fee. Visit our Contests page for contest submission guidelines.  


Poetry at the Point

Focal Point 2720 Sutton, Maplewood, MO, United States

Featuring poets Brian Russell, Susan Trowbridge Adams, Glenn Boothe, and Eric Jeltes
